Yoga để làm mát cơ thể

Yoga để làm mát cơ thể Pranayama là gì? Pranayama là những bài tập thở giúp xóa bỏ các chướng ngại vật lý và cảm xúc trong cơ thể bạn để giải phóng hơi thở và dòng chảy của prana-năng lượng cuộc sống. Thông qua thói quen pranayama thường xuyên và lâu dài, bạn có thể tích … Read more

Yoga for Spondylolisthesis In Vietnamese

Yoga for Spondylolisthesis In Vietnamese Bệnh thoái hóa khớp là một tình trạng trong đó một xương ở lưng (xương sống) trượt dọc theo xương dưới nó. Nó thường xảy ra ở cột sống lưng dưới (vùng thắt lưng). Trong một số trường hợp, điều này có thể dẫn đến tủy sống hoặc rễ thần … Read more

Yoga to Cool Down the Body

Yoga to Cool Down the Body In Those Hot Days with Pranayama. Athaasane dridhe yogee vashee hitamitaashanaha. Guroopadishtamaargena praanaayaamaansamabhyset. Thus being established in asana and having control (of the body), taking a balanced diet; pranayamas should be practised according to the instructions of the guru. Hatha Yoga Pradipika (2:1) (Text taken from APMB by Swami … Read more

Yoga for Herniated Disk

Herniated Disk In the Spine, the disks are soft padding between the vertebrae, allowing the spinal column to bend of flex while also absorbing shock. The outer ring of the disk is made of cartilage and is called the annulus. The center part is a gel like substance which called the nucleus. A disk herniates … Read more

Yoga for Gas

Yoga for Gas Yoga for Gas pose or asana, are stretches that stimulate your abdominal organs and massage and tone your abdomen. These are considerable exercises and therapy for gas, bloating, and constipation. [one_half]हिंदी में नीचे है[/one_half][youtube-subscriber channelID=UCYTjNDSbrdhAV2QkE2W-UTA layout=full subscribers=default]   Why Gas Problem? Gastritis occur due to food inconsistency, however, in some people may appear as a … Read more

How to Meditate

How to Meditate Most of the time we are busy doing countless things and think that we do not have time to meditate or don’t know how to meditate. However, if we meditate, the meditation practice can give us heaps of flexibility, power, and possibilities to deal with things/events throughout the day. Each 20 min … Read more

Yoga for Leucoderma

What is Leucoderma or Vitiligo? Leucoderma or Vitiligo is a skin disease which occurs in loss of pigment and brings white spot on the skin. You can spot it if for instance, your hair begin to premature grey or changing the color in your inner eye, the retina area. Any other part of your body can be affected … Read more

3 Yoga Poses for Beginners

3 Yoga Poses for Beginners are most easy and effective exercises one can do. Whether you are a complete beginner or a more intermediate level, having lack of time. These 3 Yoga Poses for Beginners will help gaining much well-being with least time and effort spent. [one_half]In Hindi[/one_half][youtube-subscriber channelID=UCYTjNDSbrdhAV2QkE2W-UTA layout=full subscribers=default] One time, one of my students asked … Read more

Yoga for Back

Yoga for back is just about the ideal therapy for back pain. Working on from spinal columns to muscles around the back, stimulating, enhancing the back muscles. [one_half]Yoga For Back Pain Relief[/one_half][youtube-subscriber channelID=UCYTjNDSbrdhAV2QkE2W-UTA layout=full subscribers=default] A progressive yoga dynasty from therapeutic yoga, to a beginner’s easy yoga class and then advanced yoga poses is the … Read more