Yoga to Cool Down the Body

Yoga to Cool Down the Body

In Those Hot Days with Pranayama.

Athaasane dridhe yogee vashee hitamitaashanaha. Guroopadishtamaargena praanaayaamaansamabhyset.

Thus being established in asana and having control (of the body), taking a balanced diet; pranayamas should be practised according to the instructions of the guru. Hatha Yoga Pradipika (2:1) (Text taken from APMB by Swami Styananda Saraswati)

[one_half]12 Minute Pranayama Practice[/one_half]Breathing Exercise for Beginner


Pranayama is generally defined as breath control. Although this interpretation may seem correct in view of the practices involved, it does not convey the full meaning of the term. The word pranayama is comprised of two roots: prana plus ayama.

Prana means ‘vital energy’ or ‘life force’. It is the force which exists in all things, whether animate or inanimate. Although closely related to the air we breathe, it is more subtle than air or oxygen. Therefore, pranayama should not be considered as mere breathing exercises aimed at introducing extra oxygen into the lungs. Pranayama utilises breathing to influence the flow of prana in the nadis or energy channels of the pranamaya kosha or energy body.

The wordyawwz means ‘control’ and is used to denote various rules or codes of conduct. However, this is not the word which is joined to prana to form pranayama; the correct word is ayama which has far more implications than the word yama. Ayama is defined as ‘extension’ or ‘expansion’. Thus, the word pranayama means ‘extension or expansion of the dimension of prana’.

Yoga to Cool Down the Body works on the body system to cool down weather it be physically or mentally.

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How to Perform Sheetali Pranayama

Sheetali Pranayama (cooling breath)

Sit in any comfortable meditation posture with the hands on the knees in chin orjnana mudra.

Close the eyes and relax the whole body.

Extend the tongue outside the mouth as far as possible without strain.

Roll the sides of the tongue up so that it forms a tube. Inhale and draw the breath in through this tube.

At the end of inhalation, draw the tongue in, close the mouth and exhale through the nose.

Practise yogic breathing throughout.

The breath should produce a noise similar to rushing wind.

A feeling of icy coldness will be experienced on the tongue and the roof of the mouth.

This is one round.

Practise 9 rounds.

Duration: Gradually increase the number of rounds from 9 to 15 and the duration of each inhalation/exhalation.

For general purposes 15 rounds is sufficient; however, up to 60 rounds may be performed in very hot weather.

How to Perform Sheetkari Pranayama

Seetkari Pranayama (hissing breath)

Sit in any comfortable meditation posture. Close the eyes and relax the whole body. Hold the teeth lightly together.

Separate the lips, exposing the teeth.

The tongue may be kept flat or folded against the soft palate in khechari mudra (refer to the section Mudra). Breathe in slowly and deeply through the teeth.

At the end of the inhalation, close the mouth, keeping the tongue either flat or in khechari mudra.

Breathe out slowly through the nose in a controlled manner.

This is one round.

Practise 9 rounds.

Credit: Book APMB by Swami Satyananda Saraswati.

Here are some pranayama practice.